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Кутна Гора из Праги с аудиогидом

Присоединяйтесь к нам и исследуйте Кутну Гору и Костнице с помощью нашего мобильного приложения. Вы станете хозяином своего времени и узнаете самые интересные истории. Кутна Гора является объектом Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Кутна Гора исторически наиболее известна своей ролью важного шахтерского города и центра добычи серебра. В Седлеце мы остановимся возле собора Успения Девы Марии и Иоанна Крестителя. У вас будет время осмотреть этот собор, внесенный в список ЮНЕСКО. Вы также можете посетить Костницу, расположенную в склепе церкви Всех Святых посреди кладбища. Затем мы снова сядем в автобус и отправимся к красивому и уникальному готическому собору Святой Варвары в Кутной Горе, откуда начнется наша аудиоэкскурсия по городу.

Что взять с собой

  • Наушники
  • Заряженный смартфон


При отъезде вам будет предоставлена ​​ссылка для загрузки приложения на телефон. Приложение поддерживает iOS 14 и выше или Android 5.0 и выше.

Interesting facts about Kutná Hora: 

Kutná Hora is historically best known for its role as a significant mining town and center of silver mining. From the 13th to the 16th century, Kutná Hora was one of the wealthiest and most important cities in Central Europe, thanks to its extensive silver deposits.

In the 1370s, a silver rush literally broke out here, and thousands of people moved to the then small settlement not only from the surrounding area but even from German regions! By the end of the 13th century, one-third of European silver production came from here. In 1300, King Wenceslaus II issued the Ius regale montanorum, or the Royal Mining Law, which established royal rights over silver mining and minting. In the same year, he introduced a unified coin, the Prague groschen, and concentrated its minting in Kutná Hora. In 1318, Kutná Hora was elevated to the status of a city.

Probably everyone logically assumes that the name of this city is derived from the fact that silver was mined here, that is, silver was "kut" or extracted. Yes, that is one of the three interpretations of the origin of the name. The second version, often cited, comes from the story of the Sedlec monk Antonín. Allegedly, while resting in a field near the Church of All Saints, he had a dream in which three silver rods appeared to him. To remember the place where the rods were supposed to be, he marked it with his "kutna" (pickaxe) and hurried back to the monastery to tell his fellow monks about his vision. However, the truth is much more prosaic... The majority of the original population was German until the beginning of the 15th century, so the name comes from the Middle High German term "Kutta," meaning pit or hole, and "Hora" was a common designation for a place where mining took place.

Kutná Hora is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was included as the "Historical Centre of Kutná Hora with the Church of St. Barbara and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary." This inscription took place in 1995.

UNESCO recognized the historical center of Kutná Hora as a significant monument with a rich heritage of medieval mining and silver wealth that the city acquired during its glorious past. Kutná Hora is considered a rare example of a well-preserved architectural and urban complex reflecting influences from various historical periods.

Special emphasis was placed on the Church of St. Barbara, which is one of the most important Gothic buildings in the Czech Republic. The Church of St. Barbara is a symbol of wealth, artistic mastery, and spiritual significance of Kutná Hora. This majestic church was inscribed on the World Heritage List as part of the historical center of the city.

Another significant element is the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary at the Sedlec Monastery, located on the territory of the former Cistercian convent. The church is an example of Baroque architecture, and its interiors are adorned with rich frescoes and other artistic elements.

The inscription of Kutná Hora on the UNESCO World Heritage List highlights the exceptional nature and significance of this historical city and contributes to its protection and recognition as a significant cultural and historical site not only in the Czech Republic but also in a global context.

Don't forget to check out our other day trips. TOURS OUT OF PRAGUE

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Бесплатный Wi-Fi
USB зарядка

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/ 6часа

Место отъезда

Главный железнодорожный вокзал, Вильсонова 8



950 CZK
900 CZK
*действительно для студентов в возрасте 12–26 лет при предъявлении действующего студенческого билета и для пожилых людей в возрасте 65+
850 CZK
*Дети от 0 до 2 лет бесплатно без предоставления места. Детская цена действительна для детей в возрасте от 3 до 11 лет.

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